ECE School Regulations for Management of Complaints

(as unanimously approved by the 11th/16.12.2022 Assembly of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

 Complaints Management Policy

In order to enhance the student-centered educational process, the ECE School has instituted a student grievance management policy. The complaints management policy is addressed to active students of the ECE School of all study cycles and aims to resolve a disagreement or problem related to the educational and administrative services of the School, such as

a. disagreement on matters of study and attendance,

b. misconduct by a member of the academic or administrative staff or a student of the School,

c. inadequate guidance of students by a member of academic or administrative staff.

Students may submit a written grievance when an action or decision by a member of the faculty or collegiate body is inconsistent with [but not limited to]

a. the regulations for study and attendance,

b. the prescribed procedures relating to academic teaching and research,

c. the rational use of facilities and infrastructure,

d. the protection of intellectual property and copyright,

e. appropriate working behavior,

f. equal treatment and protection against harassment and sexual harassment.

Complaints Management Procedure

Step 1. Submit a complaint

The applicant completes the Complaint Form, which is available online on the MLDS website, clearly recording the problem they are experiencing.  The request is submitted electronically to the School's Administration Office and is assigned a protocol number. The Administration Office shall inform the applicant by e-mail that the request has been received and shall forward the request to the Dean of the School.

Step 2. Resolution of the complaint by the Dean

The Dean takes the necessary steps to review/investigate the issue. He/she may, depending on the nature of the problem, call the student for a hearing and request the assistance of any member of the Faculty or the University. If he/she considers that the matter is within his/her jurisdiction, he/she shall propose a solution.  In this case, the applicant will be informed electronically via the School's Administration Office. Otherwise, the handling of the complaint will be transferred to the Dean’s Council (Step 4).

Step 3. Acceptance or rejection of the solution proposed by the Dean

The applicant informs the School's Administration Office electronically whether he/she accepts or rejects the proposed solution (in Step 2). If the solution is rejected, the request is referred to the Dean's Council (Step 4).

Step 4. Resolution of the request by the Dean’s Council

The Dean’s Council takes the necessary steps to review/investigate the problem. It may, depending on the nature of the problem, invite the student to a hearing and request the assistance of any member of the Faculty or the University. If it considers that it is within its jurisdiction, it shall propose a solution which shall be forwarded to the applicant electronically via the School's Administration Office. Otherwise, it shall refer the request to the ECE School’s Assembly (Step 6).

Step 5. Acceptance or rejection of the solution proposed by the Dean’s Council

The applicant shall inform the School's Administration Office electronically whether he/she accepts or rejects the proposed solution (Step 4). In the latter case, the request shall be referred to the ECE Assembly (Step 6).

Step 6. Resolution of the request by the ECE Assembly

The Assembly shall discuss the matter and, if it considers that it falls within its competence, propose a resolution. Otherwise, it shall refer the request to the Ethics Committee of the University.